Holiday Seasonal Calendar

  • 27 January, 2023
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Holiday Season

...are the best gift.

DEIL Commerce.

Traveller Placeholder

Happy Holidays!

Holiday Calendar

❖ New Year's Day usually between 1 & 2 January*

❖ Chinese New Year

❖ Valentine's Day 14th February

❖ Easter Holiday between 7th-10th April*

❖ Id el Fitr holiday April 22nd &23rd*

❖ Workers' Day (Based on office Location)

❖ Children's Day -May 25th

❖ Democracy Day (Not specified)

❖ Id el Kabir -June29th & 30th (Tentative Date)

❖ Al-Hijra –July 19th (Tentative Date)

❖ Id el Maulud –September 27th (Tentative Date)

❖ Independence Day (Based on office Location)

❖ Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve December 24th -31st *

• Sick Time

DEIL grants paid sick time based on local, city and state ordinances.

Leaves of Absence

In general, leaves of absence are available to eligible employees for time off due to a qualifying medical condition, or that of a qualified family member. This can include the birth or adoption of a new child, personal reasons, and the death of a member of your immediate family, jury/witness duty, military reasons, or other reasons provided under various laws. Most leaves are unpaid, except some pregnancy and parental leaves, and some portions of jury/witness, military, and bereavement leaves. All leaves have various length limits, and some leave types may require certification and/or the approval of your manager or Human Resources.


• All listed holidays are observed in our office locations.

❖ Asia: Shanghai time zone, China

❖ Africa: Abuja time zone, Nigeria

❖ Australia: Canberra time zone, Australia

COVID Safe Travel Tips

Wear your mask

Wearing a mask that covers your mouth and nose can prevent those who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others. Recent evidence suggests that masks may even benefit the wearer, offering some level of protection against infections.

Stay socially distant

COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are within 6 feet of one another (about two arms’ length) for a prolonged period (at least 15 minutes). Virus transmission can occur when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, which releases droplets from the mouth or nose into the air.

Keep holiday gathering small

Fall and winter also bring holidays, when many families get together. This can be especially tricky for those of us who live in parts of the country where it will no longer be easy to gather outside. “After months apart during this pandemic, families may be less willing to do a group Zoom call,” says Dr. Meyer. “This may be a year where we need to get creative and rethink how to celebrate together.” 

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