My Profile #Seller

  • 08 August, 2022
  • 64746887
  • 0

My Profile


1. Login to your account using the separate seller view, click on my profile
2. Profile details: displays personal information about the seller
3. Payment mode:  displays the name of the seller’s payment gateways
4. Seller central: gives the opportunity for a seller to upload his/her business license
5. Achievements: gives opportunity for a seller to upload Achievements obtained as pdf file
6. Google Analysis: seller input their Analytic ID
7. First name: input seller's surname
8. Last name: input seller's name
9. Email: sellers mail for receiving and sending messages
10. SEF keyword for shop: word(s) that appear when customers search for your products or services
11. Avatar: gives opportunity to upload you profile picture
12. Gender: seller indicate their sex
13. Short profile: this is a box that enable seller write short profile about themselves   
14. Image: this is where the profile will be displayed
15. Remove:  an option if your remove or change pictures that are not suitable


16. Shop name: this gives the opportunity for sellers to input their shop or company name
17. Twitter ID: sellers input their twitter ID for further conversation
18. Facebook ID: sellers input their Facebook ID for further conversation or investigation
19. Company locality: sellers Input the town of their various company
20. Country: sellers input their country of residence
21. Theme: theme of the account
22. Company banner: sellers add their company’s banner

23. Company logo: seller input their company logo
24. Company description: a box that enables sellers give appropriate description of their various companies
25. Image: where seller’s banner is displayed
26. Remove: a button that enables sellers change or delete an existing banner
27.image: displays seller’s company logo
28. Remove: a button that enables sellers to change or delete an existing logo 

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