Product | View/Add Seller Product
Product | View/Add Seller Product
Login to your account using the separate seller view
click on the + symbol to add new products
A- General: click to add general information of your product
B- Data: click to input the data of your product
click the green bottom at the top right to save
C- Links: click to input link information of your products
D-Attribute: click to add attribute of your product
E-Option: select an option from the drop box list
F-Discount: click to add discount
G-Special: click to add special information to your product
H- Image: click to add pictures of your products
I-Custom Field: select an option from the drop box below
J- price Alert: click to allow or disallow price alert to your product
K- Reason : select reason from the drop box list and
click on the green bottom at the top right to save